• Greetings from Author Nicole B. Gebhardt

    Thank you for your interest in my Books!

    I'm very excited to share them with you as they were truly penned in love. I'm a woman that's not afraid to share her stories and I do so-the raw, painful, beautiful and victorious-for you.

    Join me as we empower women everywhere to rise and overcome whatever challenges are thrown your way through self-love and embracing a Queen mindset. Please also visit my author website.

    Please also visit my author website at www.nicolebgebhardt.com

  • Greetings from Publisher Susan Sember

    Thank you for visiting the Silverlight Press Bookstore and in particular, the Books by Nicole B. Gebhardt collection. Nicole writes in a passionate, intimate and boldly authentic manner as she shares her stories with her readers. Further, whatever your age or background, you will glean insight in Nicole's tears, fears, and cheers so that you too will live your best life. Nicole has developed a phenomenal platform with women around the world and her book release, with the tour and special events, is only the beginning for mobilizing a global Queen movement.

    We look forward to launching her books and keep your eyes out for more, including book trailers, podcasts, and blogs on her author website, as well as at the Silverlight Press website and mine.